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Calling all musicians! Join our musical journey!

Calling all musicians! Join our musical journey!

Bassist en Gitarist gezocht in Den Haag (Zuid-Holland)

Are you a passionate and skilled musician looking to collaborate on exciting new projects? I’m a skilled vocalist with a rich musical background, and I’m embarking on a new journey into Country, Blues, Soul and Americana music. I have trained in jazz vocals, play the piano and a bit of ukulele.

Currently, I’m seeking dedicated musicians to join me in creating original music. We plan to start by playing covers to find our unique sound before moving on to writing our own songs. We have a talented steel guitar/dobro player on board, and we’re excited to explore this musical path together.

While we are serious about our music and aim to arrange performances when we’re ready, our primary focus is to enjoy the process of making music together.

What I’m looking for:

- A talented rhythm guitarist (either acoustic or electric) who can bring creativity and energy to our music.
- Musicians who are serious, committed, and eager to collaborate.
- A willingness to explore and experiment with different styles.

Rehearsal schedule:

We’d like to rehearse on weekends, approximately every two weeks.

What we’ve been playing:

We’ve been inspired by artists like The Steeldrivers, Bonnie Raitt, Etta James, Ilse DeLange, B.B. King, Solomon Burke, Jimmy Barnes, and Eric Clapton, to name just a few.

If you’re interested in joining us on this musical adventure, please reach out! Let’s create something beautiful together.

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