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Looking for keyboard player/pianist who loves to play Vulfpeck music

Toetsenist gezocht in Utrecht (Utrecht)

We are Funky Duck and we love to play music from the band Vulfpeck. We are an international bunch of amateur musicians currently consisting of a singer, bassist, drummer and guitarist and we are searching for a new keyboard player. Our goal for 2025 would be to further expand our Vulfpeck repertoire and challenge ourselves with songs like Animal Spirits and Dean Town. In addition to Vulfpeck we also play other funky music (a la Scary Pockets). We have our own studio space in the Utrecht area, where we practice and record our music. We typically practice once a month and carefully prepare our homework, so we use the time in the studio as efficiently as possible. We are aiming for a handful of gigs per year, but this is not the first priority. If you are interested in becoming our new “Woody Goss”, please send us a message (funkyduck2025 at gmail.com).

Some examples:

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