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Searching likeminded people to play with!

Searching likeminded people to play with!

Bassist, Drummer en Gitarist gezocht in Rotterdam (Zuid-Holland)

Hi! I’m Tulio Laanen, 29, and I’m searching for people to play with! preferably in and around rotterdam, but also open to futher away. I play electric guitar, keys, and other instruments, enjoy writing lyrics and singing, and am open to anyone with a like-minded motivation or way of thinking.
I wish to find people who also enjoy exploring and improvising, who appreciate enthusiasm and creativity over technical skill or theoretical know-how. I love having fun making sound and seeing where it takes me. I am not looking to play covers. I’d rather create something new together!
Music has always been a part of my life, but never professionally. However, I’m open to whatever grows.
In my daily life, I’m an art director/designer for an XR studio in Amsterdam. I work from home most of the time, am studying Japanese for fun (i'm also thinking of exploring writing in japanese), I have some bonsai trees I enjoy taking care of. I love people watching and exploring the world, - both on Google Maps and irl when I get the chance, among many other interests. ^_^
To make things a bit more concrete, here are some musicians I’m currently inspired by: Jack White (The Dead Weather, White Stripes), Daði Freyr, Atarashii Gakkou, Babymetal, Stromae, First Aid Kit, die antwoord, the peppers, etc...
Whoever you are, curious to see who’s out there!

Website: www.instagram.com/tulio_laanen/

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