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Muzikanten zoeken band in België, Ouder dan 60 jaar - Dé Muzikantenbank

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Zappa / Prog-rock

Bassist zoekt band in Vlaams-Brabant (België) | 637x bekeken

Zappa / Prog-rockHello, I play rhythmic guitar and bass, and I sing. I always dreamed to play and sing pieces by Frank Zappa, or by progressive rock bands from the Seventies till today, such as Gentle Giant, King Crimson old and new, early Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd. Although quite different in style, I also love music by The Police. Anybody interested? Cheers, Eidon https://www.facebook.com/EidonVeda/

Muzikantenbank user EidonEidon

Jazz / classical musicians interested in my music

Bassist zoekt band in Vlaams-Brabant (België) | 1179x bekeken

Hello, I compose electronic music in a style that could be defined as neoclassical / alternative jazz: https://www.reverbnation.com/eidon3 https://eidon.bandcamp.com/ https://vi.be/platform/eidon A piece of mine was selected by Roel Vergauwen — programmator Rock Werchter: "Eidon is een solo artiest uit Leuven die zijn muziek bestempelt als progressive rock, wat in deze tijden al bijzonder … meer »

Muzikantenbank user EidonEidon